Challenges for Nonprofits Today
Just like other organizations and businesses, non-profits today are being asked to do more with less. Brad Rose Consulting will work with your non-profit to help you create successful programs, write proposals, organize your resources for program implementation, and assess effectiveness. Our experience and approach can help you to get the most out of your programs and resources.

Nonprofit Project Experience
Partnerships for a Skilled Workforce, Inc
PSW Inc. Evaluation
On behalf of Partnerships for a Skilled Workforce, Inc., we designed and conducted a comprehensive research project to determine the feasibility of delivering, via smartphone and other hand-held electronic technology, career development and work readiness information to vulnerable, at-risk youth in the Boston area. The project included a comprehensive literature review; interviews with selected leaders in the field of workforce development; focus groups with 16-24 year-old, out-of-school and in-school youth; and an on-line Youth Technology Use Survey of Boston-area youth. The report provided strategic recommendations to PSW, Inc. about the use of smartphone technology to deliver career development programming to unemployed, vulnerable youth.
Boston Public Schools Partnership
BHEP Program Evaluation
BHEP is a collaborative effort on the part of the Boston Public Schools and the higher education community to promote quality teaching and learning for Boston students. The collective vision for the BHEP is to assure that Boston students graduate from high school academically prepared with adequate scholarship assistance to enroll and succeed in college. To accomplish this, the BHEP matches the strengths of area institutions of higher education with the needs of public school teachers and students. Our engagement with BHEP included a program evaluation.
The Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST)
Accessible Instructional Materials (AIM) Consortium Program Evaluation Management
Working with CAST (The Center for Applied Special Technology) to provide program evaluation oversight for a Federally funded (U.S. Department of Education) 15-state Accessible Instructional Materials (AIM) Consortium, which is a group of states working together to ensure that state and local education agencies are prepared to increase the quality, availability, and timely delivery of instructional materials in specialized formats to students with print disabilities. Under the coordinating leadership of CAST, the AIM Consortium project facilitates the development and refinement of state systems for providing appropriate, high-quality instructional materials in specialized formats to students and educators.
Boston Higher Education Partnership
GEAR-UP Boston End-of-Program Project Review
Our GEAR-UP project review gathered evidence from a range of stakeholders in both the K-12 and higher education communities about the effects of the program. The review placed a special emphasis on understanding the ways that a coordinated multi-partner, multi-stakeholder initiative enhances the effectiveness of what might otherwise be smaller, more numerous and multiple school/college sponsored student assistance programs.
Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board
WorkReady Pittsburgh Formative Program Evaluation
Working with WorkReady Pittsburgh (Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board), Brad Rose Consulting conducted a formative evaluation of WorkReady’s initial program implementation. WorkReady Pittsburgh is a youth development and workforce preparation program, which recruits youth between the ages of 17 and 20 from Allegheny County and the City of Pittsburgh to participate in paid, summer internships with area employers. The program seeks to involve participating youth in worksite-based, professionally supervised summer jobs designed to familiarize interns with the norms and expectations of professional environments, to further develop interns’ skills, and to cultivate access to professional networking opportunities.
Cotton Incorporated
Cotton Student Sponsorship Program Evaluation
The Cotton Student Sponsorship Program, a college and university program designed to foster the awareness, knowledge, and use of cotton among higher education students who, subsequent to the completion of their education, enter apparel and textile-related careers. The program, which is administered under the auspices of the Importer Support Program of the Cotton Research and Promotion Program, provides grants to faculty, whose students participate in discrete research, design, development, and marketing projects. Brad Rose Consulting conducted an evaluation of this national Cotton Incorporated program.
Michigan Association of Administrators of Special Education
Provide program evaluation consulting services to the leadership and state-wide membership of MAASE, including a workshops and follow-up consultations. Provided an introduction to evaluation for 120 members, and discussed the whitepaper “Evaluation Essentials for Non-evaluators.”