Raising the Grade in Education Program
Developing programs that do more than make the grade in primary, secondary, and college classrooms and beyond takes proper planning, evaluation, continuous improvement, and analysis. Brad Rose Consulting collaborates with educational organizations throughout the program proposal, development, execution, and evaluation phases to facilitate maximum program effectiveness.

Education Project Experience
Brown University
Third World Transition Program (TWTP) Program Review
The Third World Transition Program (TWTP) is a pre-orientation program for newly entering, first-year, minority students at Brown University. Brad Rose Consulting conducted a program review of TWTP for the Associate Provost and the Office of Institutional Diversity at Brown University. Our review collected data on the program’s mission, operation, and outcomes; identified benefits to program participants and the Brown University community; and provided recommendations to University leaders for improving the program’s effectiveness
Worcester Massachusetts Public Schools
LSL-Read to Learn Program Evaluation
The LSL-Read to Learn program is an initiative supported by the Improving Literacy Through School Libraries grant, which is awarded by the Federal Department of Education’s Academic Improvement and Teacher Quality Programs. Brad Rose Consulting was asked to conduct a program evaluation of the LSL-Read to Learn program to determine whether it was meeting district goals for improving student literacy, increasing student test scores, and supporting school improvement plans to deploy advanced learning technologies and enhance school library collections in five schools serving approximately 6,000 WPS students.
Future Management Systems and the Massachusetts Department of Education
Project Focus Three Year Evaluation
With Future Management Systems and the Massachusetts Department of Education, Brad Rose Consulting designed and conducted a three-year evaluation of ‘Project Focus,’ a multi-agency collaboration designed to provide pre-service and professional development activities for educators, parents, students, and other interested stakeholders. Partnering organizations included the Institute for Community Inclusion, The Federation for Children with Special Needs, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, and the Massachusetts Department of Education.
Fall River Public School
School Improvement Plan Review Process Consulting
Brad Rose Consulting worked with the Director of School Support Services to develop a School Improvement Plan review process for the Fall River Public Schools. We reviewed the district’s school improvement plans for Fall River’s elementary schools, and provided recommendations for monitoring the future implementation of school improvement plans
Boston College and the Carnegie Corporation
Teachers for a New Era Program (TNE) Summative Program Evaluation
TNE is a Carnegie-sponsored national initiative that promotes reform of university-based teacher education programs. The Boston College TNE program is designed to enhance teacher preparation efforts by: strengthening a culture of evidence, enhancing the use of Boston College’s College of Arts and Sciences in the preparation of future teachers, and ensuring that teacher preparation is conducted as a clinical practice profession. For the Boston College TNE program evaluation, we assessed the cumulative effects of the program and provided summative data about the program’s comprehensive impact. We assessed TNE program successes and challenges experienced.
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Massachusetts Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) Program Assessment & Strategic Planning
The statewide AHEC network is designed to implement community-based programs to improve the supply, distribution, diversity and quality of health care professionals through community/academic partnerships, and to improve access to quality health care for underserved areas and populations. Brad Rose Consulting designed and implemented a comprehensive program assessment and strategic planning initiative
Massachusetts Department of Education
School Linked Services Program Evaluation
For the Massachusetts Department of Education, Department of Accountability and Targeted Assistance, Brad Rose Consulting designed and conducted an evaluation of ‘School Linked Services,’ a statewide program that links at-risk students and their families with supportive social and human services in 40 communities in Massachusetts. The two-year evaluation provided program designers with recommendations for refining program implementation and for enhancing program effectiveness.